Thank you
Fostering saves lives!
When we rescue a cat or cats from an unstable situation, we have to have somewhere to put them. That’s where you can come in! We’re always in need of loving homes to keep our cats temporarily until they can find their FUR-ever families. We will supply you with everything you’ll need to take care of the cat or cats and you supply the love! Apply with the form here or email us with any questions you have. We’re happy to help!

make an impact
Fostering by the Numbers
Cats adopted through Smelly Cat Rescue into their FUR-ever homes
Foster homes when Smelly Cat Rescue was started in Fall of 2021
Litters of kittens born in our foster’s homes so far
Current foster homes in the Smelly Cat Rescue network
Average weeks a cat stays in a foster home before being adopted
Most cats kept in Kelly Manno’s house at one time